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HR manager

Job description of HR Manager
Job Title: HR Manager
Job identification:
Human resource (HR) managers are involved with recruitment, training, career development,compensation and benefits, employee relations, industrial relations, employment law, compliance,disciplinary and grievance issues, redundancies etc. The job involves keeping up to date with areas suchas employment law, which change often.
Job summary:
Develops policy and directs and coordinates human resources activities, such as employment,compensation, labor relations, benefits, training, and employee services by performing the followingduties.
Responsibilities and duties:
Maintains the work structure by updating job requirements and job descriptions for all positions.
Maintains organization staff by establishing a recruiting, testing, and interviewing program;counseling managers on candidate selection; conducting and analyzing exit interviews;recommending changes.
Prepares employees for assignments by establishing and conducting orientation and training programs.
Maintains a pay plan by conducting periodic pay surveys; scheduling and conducting jobevaluations; preparing pay budgets; monitoring and scheduling individual pay actions;recommending, planning, and implementing pay structure revisions.
Ensures planning, monitoring, and appraisal of employee work results by training managersto coach and discipline employees; scheduling management conferences with employees;hearing and resolving employee grievances; counseling employees and supervisors.