

Wild Turkey Creative Director McConaughey and Master Distiller Eddie Russell Unveil Small-Batch Kentucky Straight Bourbon Refined with Texas Mesquite

LAWRENCEBURG, KY (APRIL 10, 2018) –Today, Matthew McConaughey and the legendary Wild Turkey® Distillery are proud to announce the introduction of Wild Turkey Longbranch™, a collaboration between the iconic whiskey brand’s creative director and Master Distiller Eddie Russell. Inspired by McConaughey’s Kentucky and Texas roots, this rare small-batch Kentucky bourbon is refined with Texas Mesquite and oak charcoals – a unique method that deepens the flavor and complexity of the whiskey. This launch marks the first time Wild Turkey has unveiled a product that bears a signature of someone other than the Master Distillers Jimmy and Eddie Russell. A video of the creation of Wild Turkey Longbranch with McConaughey can be found here

Wild Turkey Longbranch is the latest collaboration to come from the multi-year partnership with the Academy Award® winning actor. McConaughey, who has served as the brand’s creative director since 2016, has worked behind the camera and in front of it in television commercials to reintroduce the world to Wild Turkey, and this new bourbon is a natural evolution of the partnership. The name is inspired by the friends that form the longest branches of our family trees.

The connections that McConaughey and the Russells have to both the great states of Kentucky and Texas were a major inspiration for this collaboration. McConaughey’s parents met at the University of Kentucky, a mere 15 miles from the Wild Turkey Distillery, while Eddie Russell’s youngest son, Bruce, now lives in McConaughey’s hometown of Austin, Texas.

“Longbranch, in its simplest form, is an extended hand, inviting a friend into your family,” McConaughey says. “So the branch that was extended to me from the Russells was a long one, one that reached from Kentucky to Texas and back again. I offered the Mesquite from my great state to add to their legendary Kentucky whiskey and together we made Longbranch.”

To create Longbranch’s signature flavor, McConaughey and Russell spent countless hours sharing notes, then, after two years of testing, perfected a proprietary process that combines two separate charcoal filtration methods to give Longbranch a smooth and full finish. The first of the filtration process uses charcoal made from American White Oak and the second uses charcoal made from Texas Mesquite wood, giving the bourbon notes of smoky sweetness.

Made with eight-year-old Wild Turkey Bourbon, Wild Turkey Longbranch is an exceptional bourbon with a bright gold color and aroma that is a balanced blend of vanilla and spices. Flavors of caramel, pear, and hints of citrus round out the palate. The subtle, smoky finish is buttery smooth, with notes of gentle pepper and toasted oak. “When we were creating Wild Turkey Longbranch, we talked at length about how to make a product that represents elements of both Texas and Kentucky,” said Wild Turkey Master Distiller Eddie Russell. “Our goal was to make a straight bourbon whiskey with a soft sweetness that was still unmistakably Wild Turkey. The result was a bourbon that we both truly enjoy drinking neat, and look forward to sharing with others.”

“Matthew McConaughey has been ingrained in the Wild Turkey brand as creative director for several years now,” said Bob Kunze-Concewitz, CEO at Campari Group, owner of Wild Turkey. “As a lover of bourbon, and an integral part of the team, it was a natural next step for Matthew to partner with Eddie to create a new product for Wild Turkey. We are proud of the work they’ve done and have great expectations for this amazing new whiskey.”

Wild Turkey Longbranch will be available on shelves across the US in May for a suggested retail price of $39.99 and will roll-out to additional markets around the world later this year.

Бүтээгдэхүүний мэдээ

Seems Like Old Times for Distillers and Bourbon

By Jennifer Steinhauer

  • Feb. 20, 2015

WASHINGTON — At 80, Jimmy Russell finds his knees are not quite what they used to be. So he enjoys a comfortable chair where his admirers — millennial mixologists, their arms covered in tattoos; moneyed moms who have jettisoned their cosmopolitans for manhattans; and random professionals toting rare bottles of Wild Turkey — may approach to greet him.

Mr. Russell, the master distiller at Wild Turkey, ensconced himself this month at the Jack Rose Dining Saloon, a popular bourbon bar here, and held impromptu court, smiling with the sweetness of an old-fashioned at everyone who came to pay respect. “There is only one of you in the world,” said Lindsy Lee, 35, a lawyer and bourbon lover who came to meet him.

For decades, Mr. Russell toiled among the barrels and yeast in the quiet of the horse country of Kentucky all but unnoticed, as his father and his grandfather did. But the resurgence in whiskey has turned Mr. Russell, one of the last remaining original master distillers broadly responsible for the development and growth of the modern-era bourbon business, into an octogenarian cult figure.

Bartenders from around the country swarm him at every bar, bourbon festival and marketing event he visits, lapping up tales about old bottles of bourbon and the pre-Prohibition history of storied Kentucky distilleries, which Mr. Russell knows intimately. Buffs like Ms. Lee revere Mr. Russell and the other master distillers, as well as founders of a new crop of distilleries, who are known as bourbon barons, much the same way diners have apotheosized the nation’s best-known chefs, with an almost familial affection.

“Meeting Jimmy is one of the thrills of my life,” said Michael Stanley, who drove more than two hours from Salisbury, Md., where he tends bar, after seeing on Facebook that Mr. Russell and other master distillers and bourbon executives would gather after being honored by Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, at a reception downtown. “All the legends are here.”

The excitement stemmed in large part from the resurgence of whiskey. While vodka has long outpaced bourbon in sales, vodka sales rose a mere 1.1 percent from 2012 to 2013, according to the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States, while sales of bourbon and Tennessee whiskey rose 12.8 percent over the same period. The increase is a result of the efforts of the master distillers.

“It’s just so wonderful to see all these young people enjoying bourbon,” Mr. Russell said as revelers in sexy tank tops (women) and artisanal facial hair (men) sipped premium bourbons and sat attentively to hear him reveal the granular history of several rare bottles of bourbon, down to the distiller who made them decades ago. “Especially the ladies,” he added, noting that women have been a big force in the resurrection of brown liquor.

Mr. Russell’s two greatest contemporaries — Booker Noe of the Jim Beam family and Elmer T. Lee of the Buffalo Trace distillery, who are credited with inventing small-batch and single-barrel bourbons — are gone now, and Parker Beam of Heaven Hill has retired, leaving Mr. Russell the oldest master distiller still working.SIGN UP FOR THE COOKING NEWSLETTER: Daily inspiration, delicious recipes, and other updates from Sam Sifton and The New York Times, right to your inbox.Sign Up

The new masters, including the sons of Mr. Noe and Mr. Beam, along with Chris Morris of Woodford Reserve and Jim Rutledge of Four Roses, have picked up the tradition, and their own fan base. Craig Beam and Denny Potter of Heaven Hill have come in Mr. Beam’s stead, and Greg Davis of Maker’s Mark carries the torch for those bottles sealed in red wax. Tom Bulleit, the founder of Bulleit Bourbon, falls into the category of the modern bourbon baron. Though he is not a master distiller, his name is on the bottle, and bourbon fans gravitate to him. All of these men travel the world touting American whiskey and many times find themselves together, like a band of brothers.

Bourbon distilling has long been a family tradition, said Michael R. Veach, a bourbon historian and author of “Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey: An American Heritage.” “It really wasn’t until after Prohibition that you saw an effort to train other people in distilling,” he said. For much of the mid- to late-20th century, it was a sleepy business, though still an important Kentucky craft.

Mr. Russell and his contemporaries continued to teach their children the art of minding the grain mix and yeast mash, the difference among types of barrels used for aging and how a bourbon ought to smell. “Dad taught people how to properly smell bourbon,” Mr. Noe said, which includes inhaling it with the mouth as well as the nose.

Master distillers at a gathering earlier this month in Washington.
Master distillers at a gathering earlier this month in Washington.Credit…Gabriella Demczuk for The New York Times

Watching as Americans swilled vodka and beer during the 1980s, bourbon distillers realized that by returning to some pre-Prohibition bottling traditions and embracing the small-batch production and marketing efforts that had helped other beverages thrive, they could break bourbon out if its old-man image.

“My father saw single-malt scotches were doing really well,” said Fred Noe, the master distiller at Jim Beam and the son of Booker Noe. “And in his mind, if high-end bourbons with their special taste profiles were presented to the public in the correct way, he thought people would enjoy them.”

His father went into the attic of Jim Beam’s home in Bardstown, Ky., and found the pre-Prohibition ledgers that included the bills for customers who purchased their bourbon straight from the barrels. “So he developed Bookers straight from the barrel, uncut, unfiltered,” he said, adding, “That’s how it was done in 1795.”

As the small-batch movement took off, so did the role of the distillers, who became brand managers in their own right, promoting bourbon to liquor stores and bars around the country and eventually, overseas, doing “education seminars” and signing bottles the way authors sign books.

“People love to say, ‘I talked to Jim Beam’s great-grandson, and he told me how this bourbon was made,’ ” Mr. Noe said. “People who come into bars are looking for more than a drink these days; they want the stories. It’s entertainment.”Correction: Feb. 20, 2015

An earlier version of this article misstated the name of an alcohol trade association. It is the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States, not the Distiller Spirits Council. Because of an editing error, the article also misstated the name of the bar where distillers gathered. It is the Jack Rose Dining Saloon, not the Jack Rose Dining Salon.

Eric Asimov’s column will return March 4.

Tenjaku Whisky Бусад хатуу дарс Bulldog Брэндүүд


BULLDOG джин нь Английн алдарт Уинстон Черчилль-д зориулж түүний хочоор нэрлэн гаргасан бүтээгдэхүүн. 8-н улсаас нарийвчлан сонгон гар аргаар хурааж авсан 12 төрлийн ургамлын хандыг төгс зохицуулж олон жилийн баялаг туршлагаар Англи улсад үйлдвэрлэдэг. BULLDOG джин нь маш өвөрмөц дээд зэрэглэлийн бүтээгдэхүүн.

Хэрэглэх зөвлөмж:
-Шууд мөстэй хэрэглэх
-Тониктой хольж хэрэглэх

Tenjaku Whisky Бусад хатуу дарс Appleton Estate Брэндүүд

Appleton Estate

Ямайка улсын ром дарсны алдарт өлгий нутаг болох Nassau хөндийн үржил шимтэй зүрхэн хэсэгт The Appleton-ын эзэмшил газар нь оршдог. Тус эзэмшил газарт урлан гаргаж авдаг Appleton Estate ром дарс нь 15 төрлийн өрийн онцлог, үнэр, амт, насжилт бүхий ром дарсны хамгийн шилдгийг сонгож найруулдаг. Хамгийн багадаа 4 жил даран урладаг бөгөөд дэлхийн бартендерүүдийн өндөр зэрэглэлийн ром дарсны номер нэг сонголт.
Хэрэглэх зөвлөмж:
-Шууд Хэрэглэх
-Мөстэй Хэрэглэх
-Ginger Ale-тэй хольж хэрэглэх
-1 1/2 Appleton Estate, 1 лайм шүүс, 1/6 чихрийн сироп хольж сэгсрээд
жүржийн хальсаар чимэглэж
Daiquiri коктэйль болгож хэрэглэнэ.

Tenjaku Whisky Бусад хатуу дарс Campari Брэндүүд


Итали улсын дэлхийд танигдсан хамгийн алдартай аперитив нь Campari бөгөөд тус бүтээгдэхүүний
маш өндөр зэрэглэлд чандлан хадгалдаг нууц жор нь 1860 онд Gaspare Campari зохион бүтээжээ. Тус брэнд нь дэлхийд маш өвөрмөц хайрын түүхээс үүсэлтэйгээр танигдсан бөгөөд хайр дурлал, хүсэл эрмэлзлийн билэг тэмдэг болсоор өдийг хүртэл нэрээ дэлхийн зах зээлд тунхаглаж байна. Дэлхийн топ 10 коктэйлийн дийлэнхийн орцод ордог бөгөөд коктэйлийн соёлыг Campari-гүйгээр төсөөлөхийн аргагүй.
Хэрэглэх зөвлөмж:
-Тониктой хольж хэрэглэх
-Жүржийн шүүстэй хольж хэрэглэх
-Дэлхийд танигдсан маш олон төрлийн коктэйлийн орц болгож хэрэглэх

Tenjaku Whisky Бусад хатуу дарс Aperol Брэндүүд


Нарлаг зуныг санагдуулам тод жүржийн өнгөтэй энэхүү бүтээгдэхүүн нь Aperol Spritz коктэйль хэлбэрээр 2010 оноос хойш өнөөг хүртэл дэлхий зах зээлд өндөр амжилттай нэвтэрч 2019 оны хамгийн их борлуулагдсан коктэйль болон шалгарсан байна. Өдгөө 100 нас хүрч буй бөгөөд оройг эхлүүлэхэд тохиромжтой шилдэг бүтээгдэхүүн.

GlenGrand Whisky Бусад хатуу дарс Брэндүүд

GlenGrant 18 years

Шотланд улсын Списайд (Speyside) бүсэд 1840 онд албан ёсоор ах дүү Grant үйлдвэрээ байгуулан тус брэндийг үүсгэн байгуулжээ. Өдгөө 200 гаруй жилийн туршлагад үндэслэн урласан тус брэнд нь 2015 оноос хойш 3-н жилийн дараалан “Jim Murray’s Whisky Bible”-аар Шотландын хамгийн шилдэг вискигээр шалгарсан. Маш өндөр зэрэглэлийн “Single Malt” буюу нэг амууны виски.

Хэрэглэх зөвлөмж:
-Шууд хэрэглэх
-Мөстэй хэрэглэх

GlenGrand Whisky Бусад хатуу дарс Брэндүүд

GlenGrant 12 years

Шотланд улсын Списайд (Speyside) бүсэд 1840 онд албан ёсоор ах дүү Grant үйлдвэрээ байгуулан тус брэндийг үүсгэн байгуулжээ. Өдгөө 200 гаруй жилийн туршлагад үндэслэн урласан тус брэнд нь 2015 оноос хойш 3-н жилийн дараалан “Jim Murray’s Whisky Bible”-аар Шотландын хамгийн шилдэг вискигээр шалгарсан. Маш өндөр зэрэглэлийн “Single Malt” буюу нэг амууны виски.

Хэрэглэх зөвлөмж:
-Шууд хэрэглэх
-Мөстэй хэрэглэх

GlenGrand Whisky Бусад хатуу дарс Брэндүүд

GlenGrant Arboralis

Шотланд улсын Списайд (Speyside) бүсэд 1840 онд албан ёсоор ах дүү Grant үйлдвэрээ байгуулан тус брэндийг үүсгэн байгуулжээ. Өдгөө 200 гаруй жилийн туршлагад үндэслэн урласан тус брэнд нь 2015 оноос хойш 3-н жилийн дараалан “Jim Murray’s Whisky Bible”-аар Шотландын хамгийн шилдэг вискигээр шалгарсан. Маш өндөр зэрэглэлийн “Single Malt” буюу нэг амууны виски.

Хэрэглэх зөвлөмж:
-Шууд хэрэглэх
-Мөстэй хэрэглэх

Бусад хатуу дарс Wild Turkey Брэндүүд

Wild Turkey Bourbon Whiskey

АНУ-ын Кентаки мужаас гаралтай 150 жилийн түүхтэй жинхэнэ бурбон виски. Гар аргаар хийсэн цэвэр царс модон торхонд “Aligator char” буюу хамгийн гүнзгий шарлагыг хийж, орцоо гар аргаар сонгон хольц найрлага бүр дээр исгэлтийн Дэлхийн вискиний мастеруудын дунд домог болсон мастер “Jimmy Russell” тусгайлан анхаарал тавьж урлан 5-8 жил насжуулан гаргасан бүтээгдэхүүн. Карамель болон царс модны үнэртэй, хүний хоолойд торохгүй торгомсог.  Амтны хувьд “Smoked” буюу гал дээр утсан зүйл, ваниль болон бага зэргийн исгэлэн амттай.

Хэрэглэх зөвлөмж:
-Дангаар хэрэглэх
-Мөстэй хэрэглэх
-Ginger Ale болон лайм жимсний зүсэмтэй хэрэглэх

Tenjaku Whisky Бусад хатуу дарс Брэндүүд

Tenjaku Japanese Whiskey

Арлын Япон улсын Фүжи галт уулын чулуугаар дамжин газрын гүнээс оргилон гарч ирсэн цэнгэг эрдэст ус, гар аргаар сонгосон арвайн соёолжоор исгэж хийсэн дээд зэргийн чанартай виски. Япон соёлын уйгагүй төгс бүтээлч зан чанарыг эрхэмлэн өөрийн бүтээлдээ байнга шингээдэг алдар мастер Kenji Watanabe-ийн бүтээсэн урлал. Tenjaku нь дээд зэргийн япон виски.

Хэрэглэх зөвлөмж:
-Шууд хэрэглэх
-Мөстэй хэрэглэх
-Хийжүүлсэн устай хольж “High Ball” болгож хэрэглэх

Cinzano Бусад хатуу дарс Брэндүүд


Дэлхийн хамгийн анхны вермут дарс бөгөөд Итали улсын таних билэг тэмдэг. Бүтээгдэхүүний хувьд 3 төрөлтэй бөгөөд Cinzano Bianco, Cinzano Rosso, Cinzano Extra Dry гэсэн төрлүүдээр хэрэглэгчдийн гар дээр хүрч байна.

Хэрэглэх зөвлөмж:
-Мөс, нимбэгний ундаа тониктой хольж хэрэглэхээс гадна төрөл бүрийн коктейль найруулж уухад тааламжтай

Reyka Бусад хатуу дарс Брэндүүд


Reyka Vodka comes from Iceland and uses the finest ingredients from the land. The most important ingredient for vodka is water, and being made with the purest Icelandic spring water, this makes it one of the best vodka’s in the world.