Анхны ультра супер премиум (дээдийн дээд)…
Author: admin2
Анхны ультра супер премиум (дээдийн дээд)…
Анхны ультра супер премиум (дээдийн дээд)…
Анхны ультра супер премиум (дээдийн дээд)…
Анхны ультра супер премиум (дээдийн дээд)…
Анхны ультра супер премиум (дээдийн дээд)…
Анхны ультра супер премиум (дээдийн дээд)…
Анхны ультра супер премиум (дээдийн дээд)…
2023 жилийн тайлан
Анхны ультра супер премиум (дээдийн дээд)…
2022 жилийн тайлан
Анхны ультра супер премиум (дээдийн дээд)…
2021 жилийн тайлан
Анхны ультра супер премиум (дээдийн дээд)…
2020 жилийн тайлан
Анхны ультра супер премиум (дээдийн дээд)…
Анхны ультра супер премиум (дээдийн дээд)…
Анхны ультра супер премиум (дээдийн дээд)…
Анхны ультра супер премиум (дээдийн дээд)…
Анхны ультра супер премиум (дээдийн дээд)…
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Шингэн хүнсний салбарт шинэ технологи…
М-Би-Си Азиа Пасифик ХХК
Шингэн хүнсний салбарт шинэ технологи…
Гранд ХХК (ОХУ)
Гранд ХХК нь 2012 онд Оросын Холбооны Улсын хуулийн…
We are ABSOLUTE in quality, thus we
are the company of choice.
We deliver a UNIQUE moments of life.
Everything we do is PURE for People
and the Planet.
Never stop exploring, learn, share & re-apply.
Never compromise on Quality.
Embrace innovation & staying true to the roots.
Think people first, deliver the good.
Psychological well-being
Emotional well-being is the ability to cope with change and adversity, to be more mindful of your reactions, to practice positive thinking, to have a vision, to transform into a calmer state, and to experience those moments that bring you joy and happiness.
Flexible schedule
We have introduced a flexible working time system in the workplace, increasing valuable time for our employees to spend with their families and children, making efficient arrangements throughout the company, and creating positive standards.
Hobby clubs
APU company has established interest clubs since 2015 in order to improve the leisure time of its employees and increase their active participation.
APU company was selected as “the best employer enterprise and organization of the year accessible to people with disabilities”. We are working as a team to increase the participation of people with disabilities and ensure a pleasant working environment.
Apu Life program
APU Life program is the work and life of each APU employee
Help maintain balance, physical and mental
with each other about health care and well-being
The main goal is to create a culture and practice of open discussion
Job posting
Энтертаймэнт алба Саунд инженер
Санхүү удирдлага, хяналтын алба Борлуулалт, маркетинг хариуцсан шинжээч
Савлалтын үйлдвэр Төлөвлөгөөт засварын инженер
Бүтээгдэхүүн хөгжүүлэлт, судалгааны албаны дарга
Great Place to Work
Good vibe – Milk shake (Шоколадтай)
Good VIBE for a great day
Good Vibe брэндийн амтат шоколадтай milkshake нь Д амин дэмээр баялаг бөгөөд 180мл-тэй бүтээгдэхүүн нь (270IU) буюу таны өдөрт авбал зохих Д амин дэмийн 50%-ийг хангаж чаддагаараа давуу талтай юм.
Монгол үнээний шингэхэн сүүг Д амин дэмээр баяжуулан, дэлхийд тэргүүлэх дэвшилтэт технологийг ашиглаж, байгальд ээлтэй эколин савлагаатай орчин үеийн хэв маягийг агуулсан хүүхэд, залуучуудын цоо шинэ GoodVibe брэндийг та бүхэн өдөр бүр хэрэглэж эрүүлээр дархлаагаа дэмжээрэй.
Савалгаа: Эколин
Хэмжээ: 180мл
Good vibe – Milk shake (Бананатай)
Good VIBE for a great day
Good Vibe брэндийн амтат гадилтай milkshake нь Д амин дэмээр баялаг бөгөөд 180мл-тэй бүтээгдэхүүн нь (270IU) буюу таны өдөрт авбал зохих Д амин дэмийн 50%-ийг хангаж чаддагараа давуу талтай юм.
Монгол үнээний шингэхэн сүүг Д амин дэмээр баяжуулан, дэлхийд тэргүүлэх дэвшилтэт технологийг ашиглаж, байгальд ээлтэй эколин савлагаатай орчин үеийн хэв маягийг агуулсан хүүхэд, залуучуудын цоо шинэ GoodVibe брэндийг та бүхэн өдөр бүр хэрэглэж эрүүлээр дархлаагаа дэмжээрэй.
Савалгаа: Эколин
Хэмжээ: 180мл
“You can do it” project.
APU JSC urges you join the campaign of overcoming challenges caused by the pandemic through putting waste glass into economic circulation and loving the green mother earth forever as it is.
Employee gender ratio
Training number
Total employees
Total employees
Average age of employees
The first day of work
Interview stage
Assessment stage
Application selection
Interest club
Сургалт хөгжил
Performance management
Амьдралын мөч бүрийг ХАМТДАА…
Чанар бидний үнэт зүйл
We are working to provide products that are suitable for consumers who do not want to drink alcohol. Our goal is to create a choice of non-alcoholic beverages by supporting marketing campaigns to create a positive perception of consumers about low and non-alcohol at all. Accordingly, we introduced the Heineken 0.0 brand in Mongolia. The 0.0% grade of alcohol will increase by 4.7% worldwide by 2020. (Source: Heineken)
“Tree and Us” project
APU is successfully implementing the “Tree and Us” project under the slogan “Ногоон соёлыг түгээе” against climate change. The project is primarily a long-term project to plant trees and grass in the backyards of its employees, to influence their neighbors, and to create green streets and cities. Employees welcomed the initiative and expressed their love for it as a family member, while they thanked the company that helped build the green space and supported small and medium-sized businesses during difficult times. The project will be implemented over a long period of time, and it is planned to gradually spread green culture to employees, their neighbors, and customers.
We supply Solar Power brand to Mongolia in the category of energy drinks and non-alcoholic beverages. Solar power uses only natural ingredients to provide energy and contains less sugar than other similar products.
APU JSC has announced a 100-student scholarship program to focus on the “Sustainable Human Development Policy” in 2021, to identify leaders who will bring positive change to society, and to support their learning. The APU
Scholarship Program is unique in that it covers a wide range of topics, regardless of major or major, and must meet very simple criteria, such as active participation in community service and the goal of sustainable schooling. In addition to receiving a full 10-month living stipend, the scholarship winner will be able to get acquainted with the activities of the scholarship partners, participate in related trainings and programs, and be able to work for APU JSC. This is to promote the basic principles of Sustainable Development (Goal 4. Provide inclusive and equitable education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all). In the first phase of the scholarship program, more than 1,500 students submitted applications, and we working with the 100 selected students to find solutions to many social issues.
APU JSC has signed an “Nature is our priority” project with the Ecological Police to protect terrestrial ecosystems, including endangered species, to ensure biodiversity, which is the 15th Sustainable Development Goal approved by the United Nations within the framework of the “Sustainable Development Policy”. successfully implemented together. In the framework of the “Nature is our priority” project, to create good fishing practices, raise public awareness of the importance of non-fishing during breeding, and improve the understanding and information on fish conservation and breeding to ensure the balance of river ecosystems. In collaboration with the Ministry of Mediation, the Institute of Geo-Ecology of the Academy of Sciences, and the University of Agriculture, we disseminated information, organized scientific conferences, and improved research and information. The project also launched the “Love wild animals” campaign to prevent illegal hunting crimes and violations, protect and restore biodiversity, use it properly, and improve environmental education for all.
To implement Articles 9, 10, 11, and 12 of the legislation on fauna, the “Love wild animals” and “Don’t catch during breeding” measures were organized to increase people’s awareness anembed understanding of proper treatment and protection of the environment. The Ecological Police Office emphasized that the work was positive and encouraging.
Safety Leader
Safety Leader
In 2021, APU is organizing the “Safety Leader” campaign for the second year. 127 employees of the Sales Department (sales representatives, merchandisers, auditors) and 134 drivers of the Warehousing and Distribution Department are successfully participating in the three-month campaign, which aims to introduce safety initiatives and positive work habits to oneself and others.
In 2021, we launched a new security strategy. The new strategy focuses on our highest risks and requires the active participation of all people and has launched three major risk mitigation programs: road safety, driving, contractor safety, and safety leadership. We believe that the successful implementation of these three programs will significantly improve our security performance. We need the active involvement of everyone, including our company’s management, to build sufficient capacity to manage our operational risks. Even if preventive measures are taken, only our people will create a safe working environment, as accidents may occur.
On April 28, 2021, we organized the World Safety Day, implemented the ‘Work safe’ initiative with all levels of leadership, and organized a call and competition to ensure security through internal groups.
About 20,000 road and traffic accidents are registered in Mongolia every year, and 430 people died in 2020 due to these accidents. (Source: TSA Compilation). To ensure traffic safety, regular inspections of vehicles and traffic safety are carried out to ensure safety.
The “Aid-2” campaign was launched in the capital city to help families whose jobs have been temporarily cut off due to the coronavirus epidemic. As a start of this campaign, APU JSC provided 500 packages of food aid to the Governor of Songinokhairkhan district and handed over food packages to 500 households in 43 khoroo of the district.