Category: Хариуцлагатай хэрэглээг дэмжих
АПУ ХК нь нийгмийн эерэг өөрчлөлтийг соёлын нөлөөллөөр бий болгох замаар хариуцлагатай хэрэглээг бүх талаар дэмжих суртачилахыг зорьж байна
Based on its values, APU JSC is gradually organizing advocacy campaigns to create positive social changes in 2021 in the following three areas: Environmentally friendly culture / travel without garbage, avoid littering, live environmentally friendly / Participate in the arts, fashion, and business sectors to promote heritage, lifestyle, responsible and friendly culture, and influence awareness and attitudes. Promoting a culture of responsible consumption. The name card of a modern civilization begins with a culture of love for nature and the earth. Organized the “Advocate in culture” series to encourage the culture of loving the motherland, traveling without garbage and cleanliness through art.
We are working to provide products that are suitable for consumers who do not want to drink alcohol. Our goal is to create a choice of non-alcoholic beverages by supporting marketing campaigns to create a positive perception of consumers about low and non-alcohol at all. Accordingly, we introduced the Heineken 0.0 brand in Mongolia. The 0.0% grade of alcohol will increase by 4.7% worldwide by 2020. (Source: Heineken)
We supply Solar Power brand to Mongolia in the category of energy drinks and non-alcoholic beverages. Solar power uses only natural ingredients to provide energy and contains less sugar than other similar products.